IOS – Xcode error xxx has conflicting provisioning settings.
IOS – Xcode error xxx has conflicting provisioning settings. xxx has conflicting provisioning settings. xxx is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing...
IOS – UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile 和 imageNamed 区别
IOS - UIImage imageWithContentsOfFil 和 imageNamed 区别 - 使用 imageNamed 加载沙盒的素材,偶尔不正常,有时候为上一次加载的素材,即路径正常,加载的素材又可能是上一次缓冲区的素材(头...
Xcode – Xcode13 The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release
Xcode – Xcode13 The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release - The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release. You can configure the selected build sys...
Object-C UIImage 和 CVPixelBufferRef 相互转换
Object-C UIImage 和 CVPixelBufferRef 相互转换 CVPixelBufferRef 转 UIImage UIImage 转 CVPixelBufferRef kCVPixelFormatType_OneComponent8 是单通道的黑白数据; kCVPixelFormatType_32ARG...
Xcode – Xcode 提示 there is no memory profiling because NSZombieEnabled is enabled
Xcode - Xcode如何解决Memory不显示内存使用的问题 - Xcode 显示 there is no memory profiling because NSZombieEnabled is enabled,打开 Diagnostics 之后找到 Memory Management,可以查看...
Xcode error: unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed. Build again to continue.
Xcode error: unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed. Build again to continue,Xcode error,The Xcode build system has crashed,Build again to continue,
Object-C ScaleToFill、ScaleAspectFit、ScaleAspectFill 区别
ScaleToFill,ScaleAspectFit,ScaleAspectFill,ScaleToFill ScaleAspectFit ScaleAspectFill区别,猿说编程,
Object-C FOUNDATION_EXPORT extern #define区别
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const NotificationName; // 这是Fundation框架里面的宏 c/c++中不能使用 extern NSString * const NotificationName; // 这是c/c++的关键字,OC/c/c++通用 #defin...
Xcode – Unlock iPhone to Continue,iPhone is locked.
Xcode – Unlock iPhone to Continue,iPhone is locked. 1.断开设备和Mac的连接(拔线) 2.重启Xcode(完全关闭后,再次打开本项目) 3.连接设备和Mac(插线) 4.运行 5.若出现信任设备弹框,选...