C/C++ error C2027: 使用了未定义类型“std::tuple

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一.error C2027: 使用了未定义类型“std::tuple”

C++ 中使用 std::tuple 需要包含头文件 <tuple>,如下:

#include <tuple>

二.std::tuple 简介

std::tuple 是类似 pair 的模板。每个 pair 的成员类型都不相同,但每个 pair 都恰好有两个成员;std::tuple 成员类型不同,有任意数量的成员。

当我们创建一个 std::tuple 对象时,可以使用 tuple 的默认构造函数,它会对每个成员进行值初始化;也可以为每个成员提供一个初始值,此时的构造函数是 explicit 的,因此必须使用直接初始化方法。类似 make_pair 函数,标准库定义了 make_tuple 函数;

std::tuple 的关系和相等运算符的行为类似容器的对应操作。这些运算符逐对比较左侧 tuple 和右侧 tuple 的成员。只有两个 tuple 具有相同数量的成员时,我们才可以比较它们。而且,为了使用 tuple 的相等或不等运算符,对每对成员使用==运算符必须都是合法的;为了使用关系运算符,对每对成员使用<必须都是合法的。由于 tuple 定义了 < 和 == 运算符,我们可以将 tuple 序列传递给算法,并且可以在无序容器中将 tuple 作为关键字类型。

std::tuple 中元素是被紧密地存储的(位于连续的内存区域),而不是链式结构。

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
int test_tuple_4()
    { // tuple::tuple: Constructs a tuple object. This involves individually constructing its elements,
        // with an initialization that depends on the constructor form invoke
        std::tuple<int, char> first;                             // default
        std::tuple<int, char> second(first);                    // copy
        std::tuple<int, char> third(std::make_tuple(20, 'b'));   // move
        std::tuple<long, char> fourth(third);                   // implicit conversion
        std::tuple<int, char> fifth(10, 'a');                    // initialization
        std::tuple<int, char> sixth(std::make_pair(30, 'c'));    // from pair / move
        std::cout << "sixth contains: " << std::get<0>(sixth);
        std::cout << " and " << std::get<1>(sixth) << '\n';
    { // std::tuple::operator=: Each of the elements in the tuple object is assigned its corresponding element
        std::pair<int, char> mypair(0, ' ');
        std::tuple<int, char> a(10, 'x');
        std::tuple<long, char> b, c;
        b = a;                                // copy assignment
        c = std::make_tuple(100L, 'Y');       // move assignment
        a = c;                                // conversion assignment
        c = std::make_tuple(100, 'z');        // conversion / move assignment
        a = mypair;                           // from pair assignment
        a = std::make_pair(2, 'b');           // form pair /move assignment
    { // std::tuple::swap: (containing objects of the same types in the same order)
        std::tuple<int, char> a(10, 'x');
        std::tuple<int, char> b(20, 'y');
        std::swap(a, b);
    { // std::relational operators: Performs the appropriate comparison operation between the tuple objects lhs and rhs
        std::tuple<int, char> a(10, 'x');
        std::tuple<char, char> b(10, 'x');
        std::tuple<char, char> c(10, 'y');
        if (a == b) std::cout << "a and b are equal\n";
        if (b != c) std::cout << "b and c are not equal\n";
        if (b<c) std::cout << "b is less than c\n";
        if (c>a) std::cout << "c is greater than a\n";
        if (a <= c) std::cout << "a is less than or equal to c\n";
        if (c >= b) std::cout << "c is greater than or equal to b\n";
    return 0;
int test_tuple_3()
    typedef std::tuple<int, double, int, double> Mytuple;
    Mytuple c0(0, 1, 2, 3);
    Mytuple c1;
    c1 = c0;
    std::cout << " " << std::get<3>(c1);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    typedef std::tuple<int, float, int, float> Mytuple2;
    Mytuple c4(Mytuple2(4, 5, 6, 7));
    return (0);
static std::tuple<double, char, std::string> get_student(int id)
    if (id == 1) return std::make_tuple(2.9, 'C', "Milhouse Van Houten");
    throw std::invalid_argument("id");
int test_tuple_2()
    auto student0 = get_student(0);
    //std::tie(x, y, z)  和 std::make_tuple(std::ref(x), std::ref(y), std::ref(z))
    double gpa1;
    char grade1;
    std::string name1;
    std::tie(gpa1, grade1, name1) = get_student(1);
    std::cout << "ID: 1, "
                 << "GPA: " << gpa1 << ", "
                    << "grade: " << grade1 << ", "
                       << "name: " << name1 << '\n';
    return 0;
static void fun(int &a)
    a = 15;
int test_tuple_1()
    { // std::tuple_element: class template, Class designed to access the type of the Ith element in a tuple.
        // It is a simple class with a single member type, tuple_element::type,
        // defined as an alias of the type of the Ith element in a tuple of type T.
        auto mytuple = std::make_tuple(10, 'a');
        std::tuple_element<0, decltype(mytuple)>::type first = std::get<0>(mytuple);
        std::tuple_element<1, decltype(mytuple)>::type second = std::get<1>(mytuple);
    { // std::tuple_size: Class template designed to access the number of elements in a tuple
        std::tuple<int, char, double> mytuple(10, 'a', 3.14);
        std::cout << "mytuple has ";
        std::cout << std::tuple_size<decltype(mytuple)>::value;
        std::cout << " elements." << '\n';
    { // std::forward_as_tuple: function template, Constructs a tuple object with rvalue references
        // to the elements in args suitable to be forwarded as argument to a function.
        std::string str("John");
        print_pack(std::forward_as_tuple(str + " Smith", 25));
        print_pack(std::forward_as_tuple(str + " Daniels", 22));
    { // std::get: funtion template, Returns a reference to the Ith element of tuple tpl.
        std::tuple<int, char> mytuple(10, 'a');
        std::get<0>(mytuple) = 20;
        std::cout << "mytuple contains: ";
        std::cout << std::get<0>(mytuple) << " and " << std::get<1>(mytuple);
        std::cout << std::endl;
    { // std::make_tuple: function template, Constructs an object of the appropriate tuple type
        // to contain the elements specified in args
        auto first = std::make_tuple(10, 'a');             // tuple < int, char >
        const int a = 0; int b[3];                         // decayed types:
        auto second = std::make_tuple(a, b);               // tuple < int, int* >
        auto third = std::make_tuple(std::ref(a), "abc");  // tuple < const int&, const char* >
        std::cout << "third contains: " << std::get<0>(third);
        std::cout << " and " << std::get<1>(third);
        std::cout << std::endl;
    { // std::tie: function template, Constructs a tuple object whose elements are references
        // to the arguments in args, in the same order
        // std::ignore: object, This object ignores any value assigned to it. It is designed to be used as an
        // argument for tie to indicate that a specific element in a tuple should be ignored.
        int myint;
        char mychar;
        std::tuple<int, float, char> mytuple;
        mytuple = std::make_tuple(10, 2.6, 'a');          // packing values into tuple
                std::tie(myint, std::ignore, mychar) = mytuple;   // unpacking tuple into variables
                std::cout << "myint contains: " << myint << '\n';
        std::cout << "mychar contains: " << mychar << '\n';
    { // std::tuple_cat: function template, Constructs an object of the appropriate tuple type
        // to contain a concatenation of the elements of all the tuples in tpls, in the same order
        std::tuple<float, std::string> mytuple(3.14, "pi");
        std::pair<int, char> mypair(10, 'a');
        auto myauto = std::tuple_cat(mytuple, std::tuple<int, char>(mypair));
        std::cout << "myauto contains: " << '\n';
        std::cout << std::get<0>(myauto) << '\n';
        std::cout << std::get<1>(myauto) << '\n';
        std::cout << std::get<2>(myauto) << '\n';
        std::cout << std::get<3>(myauto) << '\n';
    { // tuple::tuple: A tuple is an object capable to hold a collection of elements.
        // Each element can be of a different type.
        std::tuple<int, char> foo(10, 'x');
        auto bar = std::make_tuple("test", 3.1, 14, 'y');
        std::get<2>(bar) = 100;                                    // access element
                int myint; char mychar;
        std::tie(myint, mychar) = foo;                            // unpack elements
                std::tie(std::ignore, std::ignore, myint, mychar) = bar;  // unpack (with ignore)
                mychar = std::get<3>(bar);
        std::get<0>(foo) = std::get<2>(bar);
        std::get<1>(foo) = mychar;
        std::cout << "foo contains: ";
        std::cout << std::get<0>(foo) << ' ';
        std::cout << std::get<1>(foo) << '\n';
        std::tuple<int, char> foo{ 12, 'a' };
        std::cout << std::get<0>(foo) << "\n"; // 12
        std::cout << std::get<0>(foo) << "\n"; // 15
    return 0;


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